Saturday, July 5, 2008



We've been back just over a month now and I still haven't posted much from Italy. Time to fix that! While I used the camera extensively, I came away with fewer food shots than you might imagine. Our single-night stay in Venice included good, convenient, however unremarkable food. The best were simple sandwiches from one of the better stands near Piazza San Marco. Still, I'll offer four non-food photos. Now, I'll say this for Venice: it may be one of the most unusual places I've visited. The maze of narrow canals and tall buildings is certainly transporting. Also, the basilica's ceiling may be one of the most awesome sights of Christendom. Yet there seems to be little Venetian culture beyond what is maintained for tourism. I am glad to have visited, to have seen this unique place and enjoyed it's sights, but I'm also glad we did not spend more time there.
A view from the Rialto Bridge

This building houses the Venice Fish Market

A typical view of a little canal.

Riding the vaporetti.